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There are a total of 55 valid entries on the list.
Average Rating:
5 stars
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On Shelf
4 copies on order.
Orange/Case Adult Fiction Book
Fiction Jenoff
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 2 | Orange/Case Adult Fiction Book | Fiction Jenoff |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Adult Fiction | F Jenoff |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Adult Fiction | FIC. |
0 of 1 | Durham Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Durham Paperback Fiction | PA/J |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Adult Fiction | FIC JEN |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public Adult Fiction (PBK) | Jenoff, Pam (Lost) |
1 of 1 | Essex Adult Fiction | JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Essex Adult Paperback | PBK JENOFF |
2 of 2 | Guilford Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Fiction | FIC/JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Adult Fiction | FIC/JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Adult Fiction | F JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Meriden Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Adult Collection | FIC HIS Jenoff |
1 of 1 | New London Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Adult Fiction | Fiction Jenoff |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Adult Fiction | Fiction Jenoff |
1 of 1 | North Haven Adult Fiction | Fiction Jenoff, Pam |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF [FEB 19] |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Adult Fiction | F JENOFF |
0 of 1 | Old Lyme A Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Adult Fiction | F JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Preston Adult Fiction | F JENOFF, Pam |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Adult Fiction | FIC JEN |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Fiction | JENOFF |
2 of 2 | West Haven Louis Piantino Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
0 of 1 | Westbrook Adult Fiction | F JEN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Adult Fiction | FIC JENOFF |
4 on order | East Lyme Public Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2019 | Park Row Books | 377 pages ; 24 cm | On Shelf 4 copies on order. Orange/Case Adult Fiction Book Fiction Jenoff
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[2019] | Park Row Books | 377 pages ; 23 cm | Available from another library
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411 pages ; 17 cm | Available from another library
On Shelf
1 copy on order.
Orange/Case Adult Audiobook Fiction CD
Audiobook CD Fiction Jenoff
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Adult Audiobook Fiction CD | Audiobook CD Fiction Jenoff |
1 of 1 | Durham Media Room | BCD JEN |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public Adult Books on CD | CD Jenoff, Pam (Lost) |
1 of 1 | Essex Adult Book on CD Fiction | BCD JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Talking Book CD | CD/TBK/JENOFF |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Adult Fiction Book on CD | CD Fiction Jenoff |
1 of 1 | North Haven Adult Audiobook | Audiobook Fiction Jenoff, Pam |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Adult Books on CD | BOOK ON CD FIC JENOFF (MAY 19) |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Adult Audio Books | CDB JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Adult Book on CD | CD AF JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Adult Compact Disc | CD JENOFF |
1 on order | Acton Public Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2019 | Harlequin Audio | 9 audio discs (12 hr.) ; 12 cm | On Shelf 1 copy on order. Orange/Case Adult Audiobook Fiction CD Audiobook CD Fiction Jenoff
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[2019] | Harper Collins Publishers | 10 audio discs (675 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
On Shelf
Orange/Case Adult Large Print
Fiction Jenoff [Large Type]
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Adult Large Print | Fiction Jenoff [Large Type] |
1 of 1 | Durham Large Print | LP FIC JENOFF |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Large Type Fiction | LP/FIC/JENOFF |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Adult Large Print Fiction | Large Print Fiction Jenoff |
2 of 2 | North Haven Adult Large Print Fiction | Large Print Fiction Jenoff, Pam |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||
2019 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 557 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | On Shelf Orange/Case Adult Large Print Fiction Jenoff [Large Type]
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Online OverDrive Collection has 5
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection | |
5 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | ||||||||||
2019 | OverDrive | Harlequin Audio | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection Online OverDrive Collection has 5
From the author of the runaway bestseller The Orphan's Tale comes a remarkable story of friendship and courage centered around three women and a ring of female secret agents during World War II. 1946, Manhattan One morning while passing through Grand Central Terminal on her way to work, Grace Healey finds an abandoned suitcase tucked beneath a bench. Unable to resist her own curiosity, Grace opens the suitcase, where she discovers a dozen photographs--each...
Average Rating:
4 stars
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Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Orange/Case Adult Fiction Book | Fiction Greaney |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Adult Fiction | FIC. |
1 of 1 | Durham Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Adult Fiction | FIC GRE |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public Adult Fiction | Greaney, Mark [Gray] #08 (Mission) |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Adult Fiction | F Greaney |
0 of 1 | Guilford New Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Fiction | FIC/GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Adult Fiction | F GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Meriden Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
0 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Adult Collection | FIC SUS Greaney |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Adult Fiction | Fiction Greaney |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Adult Fiction | Fiction Greaney |
1 of 1 | North Haven Adult Fiction | Fiction Greaney, Mark GRAY#8 |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY (APR 19) |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Adult Fiction | F GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme A Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Fiction | GREANEY |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Adult Fiction | F GRE |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Adult Fiction | FIC GREANEY |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2019 | First edition | Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC | xiv, 513 pages : map ; 24 cm. | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
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[2023] | Berkley, an imprint of Penguin Random House | 720 pages ; 20 cm. | Available from another library
Checked Out
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Large Type Fiction | LP/FIC/GREANEY |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2019] | First large print edition | Random House Large Print | xvi, 783 pages (large print) ; 24 cm. | Checked Out
"The Gray Man deals in death with mathematical precision, but this time he may finally find himself on the wrong side of the equation in this blistering thriller from New York Times bestselling author Mark Greaney. Court Gentry's flight on a CIA transport plane is interrupted when a security team brings a hooded man aboard. The mysterious passenger is being transported to England where a joint CIA/MI6 team will interrogate him about a mole in Langley....