New Adult Nonfiction in Orange

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 52 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "The age of surveillance capitalism"
Star rating for The age of surveillance capitalism
"Shoshana Zuboff, named "the true prophet of the information age" by the Financial Times, has always been ahead of her time. Her seminal book In the Age of the Smart Machine foresaw the consequences of a then-unfolding era of computer technology. Now, three decades later she asks why the once-celebrated miracle of digital is turning into a nightmare. Zuboff tackles the social, political, business, personal, and technological meaning of "surveillance...
Book cover for "Digital minimalism"
Star rating for Digital minimalism
Average Rating:
5 stars
Digital minimalists are all around us. They're the calm, happy people who can hold long conversations, have fun with family and friends, and enjoy activities without furtive glances at their phones or obsessive urge to document the experience. They stay informed about the news of the day, but don't feel overwhelmed by it. Now, Newport gives us a name for this quiet movement, and makes a persuasive case for its urgency in our tech-saturated world....