New Chapter Books in Orange

Showing 1 - 2 of 2  There are a total of 23 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "One-third nerd"
Star rating for One-third nerd
Ten-year-old Liam and his two younger sisters, precocious third-grader Dakota and second-grader Izzy, who has Down syndrome, face the possibility of losing their beloved dog, Cupcake, who keeps urinating on their apartment's carpet.
Book cover for "Swallow's dance"
Star rating for Swallow's dance
Leira is starting her initiation as a priestess when her world is turned upside down. A violent earthquake leaves her home in pieces. And the goddess hasn't finished with the island yet. With her family, Leira flees across the sea to Crete, expecting sanctuary. But a volcanic eruption and tsunami throw the entire world into darkness. In the resulting chaos; Leira finds her noble-born privilege reduced to nothing; alone with her injured mother and...